We must not be closed to the hope that God will do great things in our lives.
Luke 1: 57-66
When Elizabeth’s time had come her neighbours and relatives rejoiced with her because God had shown her such great kindness. Of course, the great kindness was the birth of John the Baptist.
John’s birth is special for two reasons. Firstly, Elizabeth, for a long time, could not conceive and then God blessed her by allowing her to conceive. It was through God’s intervention that she conceived and gave birth to John. Secondly, John was no ordinary child. He, as the angel announced, would be the great herald of the Messiah. He paved the way.
Advent is a reminder that God will always intervene in our lives and in our world when He has to. He never leaves us to struggle alone. We can always count on God’s kindness. We can all expect God to intervene and bless us with the specific grace we need. We must not be closed to the hope that God will do great things in our lives. Elizabeth teaches us that it is never too late.