Monday December 19th: When God Mutes Us.
December 19, 2022
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December 20, 2022

Tuesday December 20th: Living in the Lord

“Behold the handmaid of the Lord”…

Luke 1:26-38

Today’s Gospel passage is very close to my heart because it contains the motto I chose many years ago when discerning whether religious life was for me. “Behold the handmaid of the Lord” is my daily prayer. I did not become a religious sister, but instead a wife and mother with the same motto.

Giving God our all each day is an important part of ‘living in God’ on this earthly journey. We give ourselves to him through prayer, meditation and Eucharist. This then becomes the source that sends us out to the world to encounter him and serve him. The life we live then takes us to the summit of this earthly journey.

It does not matter whether it is religious life, married life or single life, let us pray with our Holy Mother, who is our great example of living in God, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord”. Amen.