Prayer is the weapon.
Luke 21:34-36
The words: “Stay awake” jump out at me every time. I know I must focus on Christ and thoughts of being in constant vigil emerge; to be still before the Lord and guard against ‘debauchery and all manner of sins of intemperance.’ Jesus reminds me to be always alert because I can be caught up in the moment.
The attraction of the world, so compelling in its ‘good times’ dazzle, can make me drop my guard. It’s so appealing…to drink in its sweet nectar with the lure of riches and all it can supply. My deceased mother used to quote, ‘What does it profit a man…”; and the old calypsonian cautioned ‘doh envy them…is dey own soul dey sell that have dem looking so well’. I don’t want that day to spring suddenly on me or anyone.
In the process of staying awake and being alert, praying at all times for resilience against all that will happen, I know that Prayer is the weapon with which to be covered… in season and out of season.