Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
There is a “cross” which must be borne….
Luke 23:35-43
“I did not sign up for this!” she thundered on the phone. Her disgust was understandable. As one of our more promising parish leaders, it was her first time managing one of our parish concerts and found herself having to do her own job and the jobs of others as well.
There is a “cross” which must be borne, in our often-disorganised country, if things are to be done properly. It is a struggle to free our communities from disorder; a process which can strip us bare. A struggle which can only be waged with humility, patience and honesty. This is the burden of leadership. This is where genuine LOVE leads us.
In today’s reading Jesus, the ideal leader, hangs on the cross. But the cross was not the goal of Jesus’ leadership. It is the CONSEQUENCE of his leadership. This was his “reward” for a life lived with discipline and love. It is important to remember that Jesus did not have a death-wish. Human sinfulness led Jesus to the cross. All he wanted to do, was to accomplish his Father’s mission to perfection.
May God grant us more leaders like him.