Altar servers of Archdiocese asked to make a daily sacrifice
November 15, 2022
One for our roads
November 16, 2022

Wednesday November 16th: Opportunities

“I tell you, to everyone who has will be given more…”

Luke 19:11-28

In this parable Jesus posits two ways of dealing with opportunities. Firstly, we can make the best of these opportunities and let them lead us into even more productive and rewarding situations. Like the two servants who, having been given one pound each from the king, were able to capitalize on it and made 5 and 10 times more. As a result, they reaped unimaginable benefits.
On the other hand, we can close our eyes to the opportunities offered, do nothing, and thus lose out on many life-giving possibilities. We can become so blinded by our self-importance, our judgmental attitude that we fail to see the benefits around us. We are truly our worst enemies like the servant who returned the pound because he did not like the king and so did nothing with what he had been freely given. Consequently, he lost out on many more opportunities.
Lord, forgive us for allowing our petty insecurities to prevent us from operating from our best selves..