During October, the month of the rosary, parishioners of Tortuga were invited by the parish priest, Fr Shijo Abraham, to pray family rosaries. Families were asked to pray for peace, love, and unity within their own families, for the parish, the country, and the world.
The month of the rosary culminated with a wonderful Candlelight Rosary Procession held on Sunday, October 30 at the Sacred Heart RC Church, Gasparillo. Various parish ministries and groups led the faithful in praying the rosary while the parish choir accompanied the procession with beautiful Marian hymns.
The chief celebrant was Fr Alan Hall. Frs Abraham, Wilfred John concelebrated with Deacons Roy Raghunanan, Ian Bourne and Keith Dass assisting.
Fr Hall, in his homily, reminded us not to be “petty and short” but be the ones to bring others to God as Jesus did for Zacchaeus in the gospel. He said as we move towards being a Synodal Church, we needed to move from “maintenance” mode and not be stuck in the way things were done. As Church, we needed to create opportunities for growth.
Fr Hall, in his parting message, encouraged us to place Jesus at the centre of our lives. He, together with the choir, lifted this call in song – Jesus at the Centre which closed the evening’s celebration with a powerful experience of deliverance and an immense sense of hope. —A parishioner, Tortuga Parish