Feast of Saints Simon and Jude.
Through St Jude God demonstrates His love and concern for everyone, especially those experiencing the most difficulties.
Luke 6: 12 – 19
Today’s gospel, for the feast of Saints Simon and Jude, reminds us how important it was to Jesus that he selected persons to collaborate with him in announcing and building the kingdom of God. The importance of this occasion is highlighted by him spending the whole night in prayer prior to selecting the apostles. And by selecting the apostles Jesus showed the nature of the kingdom and the nature of Church. Both are essentially community and sharing. No one is alone.
Though today’s feast celebrates both saints it is St. Jude who receives most people’s attention. St. Jude is the patron of lost causes. As terrible as it sounds, it is good news for those who have no one else to turn to in times of crisis or panic.
If Church is about not being alone, St. Jude is certainly the one who is literally a God-sent to those in dire need. Through him God demonstrates His love and concern for everyone, especially those experiencing the most difficulties.