Giving back! This was the reason given by the group of past students of the La Divina Pastora, Siparia Boys’ RC, as they pooled their finances, skills and time to ensure their former primary school was in readiness and student-friendly for the reopening of school at the start of the new academic year, September 2022.
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, school buildings throughout the twin islands experienced some degree of deterioration. La Divina Pastora Siparia Boys’ RC had its fair share in this regard.
Led by Ray Bohorie, these gentlemen, Mark Kokaram, Kamal Chunilal, and Perry Ramdass, from the graduating class of 1985, purchased the materials needed for the project. Other past students, Sean Daly, Hammond Khan and ‘Mr Scipio’ joined in to assist in getting the job done!
The scope of work done included the construction and installation of three new blinds to replace the damaged existing ones which separate the classrooms in the annex of the school; the retiling of the students’ drinking water troughs; tiling the female teachers’ toilet; and painting where necessary. The replacement of a few classroom doors was also on the list.
The Ag Principal, Maria Daly-Worrell along with members of staff are truly grateful for the initiative shown by these past students and were able to enter into the new school term with uplifted spirits.
As the Mission Statement of the school states in part, “the school seeks to be the preferred primary school in the area, offering a sound, all round education in a conducive environment for its students.”
The actions of this group of past students are truly commendable! They have done their part to ensure that the present student body can sing, “School days were happy, happy days!”. —Juliana Valdez