By Claire Baptiste
Teach me to pray and meditate and renew my mind with the holy rosary.
Patience, obedience, and humility are difficult ways.
Why does Jesus take so long to answer our prayers?
Show me the way to follow your son Jesus Christ, the Saviour, who says: “….I am the vine; you are the branches….” (Jn 15:1–17).
My Mother Mary, The Blessed Virgin leads me to pray:
The First Sorrowful Mystery; The Agony in the Garden which teaches us to have true contrition for sin as the Bible says in Matthew 26:36–46.
The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery; The Carrying of the Cross teaches us the virtue of patience as the Bible says in John 19:17–30.
I continue to pray the holy rosary for the virtue of obedience in The Fourth Joyful Mystery;
The Presentation of Jesus in the temple, as the Word of God says in Luke 2:21–39.
And the First Luminous Mystery; The Baptism of Jesus for the submission to God’s will (Mt 3:13–17, Mk 1:9–11).
For the love of humility, I pray: The First Joyful Mystery; The Annunciation as the Word of God says in Luke 1:26–38.
And The Third Luminous Mystery; The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God for the grace of conversion as the Bible says in Matthew 4:13–25; 1:14–15.
And The Fifth Luminous Mystery; Institution of the Holy Eucharist for Thanksgiving to God (Lk 22:14–20; Mt 26:26–28).
Mother of God, Queen of the Holy Rosary intercede for me and show me to “The Way, The Truth and The Life” (Jn 14:6); Jesus Christ, your Son. Amen. All glory to God.