“….those who reject me reject the one who sent me.”
Luke 10: 13 – 16
Today we are not meeting the meek and mild Jesus. Instead we hear a harsh and thundering Jesus pronouncing some very harsh words for Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum. I guess it is a case of the truth must be told and that is all there is to it. But why was Jesus blowing steam? These towns had the privilege of experiencing so many blessings and graces from God yet they were the very ones who were not moved by them. Jesus’ tone does not suggest they were ungrateful, rather they seemed indifferent with a hint of presumption.
Some truths are hard to take but must be told in order to provoke change. They had hardened their hearts to God’s presence and work among them and thus were not moved by the divine graces they received. Today Jesus reminds us to take note of God’s presence and work among us and the blessings He gives. We must not become blind or even worse, indifferent to Him.
Cure us of indifference, Lord, which will be the cause of our demise.