‘So, who is this I hear such reports about?’ And he was anxious to see him.
Luke 9: 7-9
I Dared to Call Him, Father, written by Bilquis Shiek, tells of the deep desire by a Muslim woman to know about Jesus. She suspected that some of her servants were secretly Christians and she often privately asked them questions about Jesus. This eventually led to her “meeting” Jesus through her deep conversion and personal relationship.
Persons in the RCIA process, often share their stories about their call to conversion. Many share that several people had encouraged them, but they never bothered. Then something happened and that started the deeper stirrings to seek a relationship with Christ. Some said that they came out of curiosity but then came that desire to really know God. Someone shared that he kept putting it off for years and then one day, he looked at himself in the mirror and said, “If you don’t stop this way of life now, you will be lost forever”.
Herod was anxious to see Jesus but never came to that point of confronting his weaknesses. We all need daily conversion! Lord, help us.