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Tuesday September 20th: Our Light-bearer Mission

“We are ambassadors of light”

Luke 8:16-18

When we think about how inconvenient it is to be without light, we realise how important our “light-bearer” mission is and why we cannot take it for granted nor tarry. If there ever was a time where light was needed, it is now.

While death, disease and crises eclipse the world; light and truth are being snubbed out or blended into darkness to make it more “palatable” to the masses.  As light bearers, we have no business flirting with the works of darkness, deceiving ourselves that we will change it.

Instead, we must ground ourselves with the teachings of the Church and holy Scripture and clothe ourselves in the sacraments so that the light of Christ can be seen through us and  darkness will not overwhelm us.

Even the smallest match, when lit, instantly dispels the surrounding darkness. We  need to activate our lights and those of others.  We are Ambassadors of Light and all who enter our virtual and physical spaces must see our light and want to illuminate theirs as well.

Teach us to be light, Lord.

Photo by Zac Cain on Unsplash