“The child’s father and mother marveled at what was said about him”
Luke 2:33-35
I listen to the news, only to hear that another son is dead,
The verdict is in, by public opinion: ‘Guilty as charged’ they all said
But did they ever stop to consider… the woe of his mother,
His grandmother, his relatives and friends, his father…
Mary Mother of Sorrows, at one stage in his early years
Did they too marvel at what the future would hold and what was said?
Now they have to shed tears finding that their son is dead?
Another murder, another fatal accident, another person missing,
Another one fall victim to police shooting.
You alone, Our Lady of Sorrows, can understand the pain they go through,
You alone, know what it feels like to have “a sword pierce your own soul too”
The sea of sorrow surrounding us is all consuming
But thank you Lord that your mercy is consoling.
Blessed Mother, intercede for the families in our land who are crying
Lord, send comfort to those who for daughters and sons are grieving.
Photo by Louis Galvez on Unsplash