How you travel is how you arrive.
Luke 14:1, 7-14
Don’t look now; but it seems as though guests are edging-up to get in the front row. Angling to be seated in the reserved section; that secluded blocked-off area; that select seating where there are places of honour. Big shot, nah.
Blink if you agree: what are seats of honour, anyway? Why make compartments on this flight? Like mankind born to segregate. As the Captain says: whether first class or economy, this flight have one destination. How you travel is how you arrive. Watch that secret feeling gurgling in your breast, that you want to be special; to be separate from the rest; to be honoured and esteemed. But hear this: you are special already; a special seat doesn’t add one iota to your esteem; you were selected and created special with the Holy Spirit dwelling in you. Say no more.
Oh my. Come to think of it, even though I am not in the rush, this is what I want too. Looking at them ah seeing myself, as in a mirror. Hush.
Photo by Willian B. on Unsplash