Bishop Lawrence Nicasio is currently recovering from surgery at Regina Cleri, a home for retired priests in the Archdiocese of St Louis, Missouri following surgery to remove a blockage of the colon which was found to be cancerous.
In a letter sent to faithful in Belize, dated August 1, Bishop Nicasio shared a brief update on his current medical situation. He wrote that he left Belize July 6 with the intention to seek medical attention. He was admitted at Mercy Hospital in St Louis, one of the Catholic hospitals in the area.
“A CT scan was performed, and the results showed a blockage of the colon. Within a few days, and following medical advice, I underwent surgery to remove the blockage. The surgery was carried out on the 21st of July, and it was successful,” Bishop Nicasio wrote.
Further treatment is necessary which is scheduled to begin “soon”. Bishop Nicasio said it is his hope that he can begin treatment in St Louis, and eventually continue in Belize.
In his absence from the diocese, he has asked Frs Noel Leslie, Amelio Chi, and Jordan Gongora to manage business matters related to his office.
“I thank them for their generosity in accepting this task. You are a great gift for me. I have always felt abundantly blessed to have such good and faithful people in the diocese. Your prayers and encouragement have constantly strengthened me, and I know I can count on your prayers and support as I continue to receive treatment,” the letter ended.