“After God, the priest is everything! He utters a few words and the Lord descends from Heaven at his voice to be contained within a small Host” – St John Mary Vianney
Mathew 9:35-10:1
On this feast of the Cure d’Ars (Patron of priests), the commissioning of the Twelve speaks to me of the Sacrament of Holy Orders-the priesthood.
As St. John Vianney said, “without the priest we would have no Jesus” We would have no deliverance, healing and fortification through the Sacraments; in short-no Church.
More now than ever, we are harassed by diseases, disasters and distress, but Jesus gave our shepherds authority to heal and free us through the Sacraments of the Church.
We need our priests because we need You Jesus, now like never before where many of our comforts and securities are gone and we face growing material uncertainty- yet the gates of hell shall not prevail.
Father, send us holy priests in this vale of tears to shepherd and feed us, for without You we are nothing!