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Friday July 8th: Sheep among wolves

It is not about fighting fire with fire; it is about trusting God to take care of those whom He sends out.

Matthew 10: 16 – 23

Jesus, in sending out the disciples, told them that they would be like sheep among wolves. So they should expect to be attacked and ravaged. In every age Christians have been attacked and persecuted for their faith. We see it still taking place today. Thus, Jesus’ warning still applies.

The warning is not a battle cry in response to a hostile world. It is more of a cue to turn to God’s providence and grace in the face of any attack from others. It is not about fighting fire with fire; it is about trusting God to take care of those whom He sends out. The idea is not to become wolves but remain sheep.

Jesus was sent into this same hostile world. But he lived by the principle of turning the other cheek and he expects disciples to do the same. Even though Christians may appear like sheep and doves among wolves God’s grace is sufficient to keep them and save them. The word is trust God and stay alert.

Photo by Judith Prins on Unsplash