Domestic Church – a working definition
July 5, 2022
Thursday July 7th: True discipleship
July 7, 2022

Wednesday July 6th: Physician heal thyself!

God IS Love and Love IS God…. God always wants the best for us and our response, our yes determines the outcome.

Mathew 10: 1-7

I had a pomegranate plant that did not seem to survive a transplant. Each time I was tempted to root it up, something prohibited me. This week the rains brought it back to life with leaves that were unrecognizable as they were so beautiful.

I understood at that moment why Jesus kept Judas in His inner circle even though Judas was going to betray Him: GOD IS LOVE.

A priest recently explained that God cannot help but Love. No wonder I could not understand!   My human mind is finite and Love is infinite, since “Love never ends”.

Despite Judas having the authority to exorcise and heal, he could not deliver himself. Why? God’s Love is one thing, our response to His Love is another. God always wants the best for us and our response, our yes determines the outcome.

Our yes sometimes means going into the ‘Gentile territory’ of our concupiscence and allowing God’s Love to heal and free us.

Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash