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July 5, 2022
Happy anniversary, Fr Kizito
July 5, 2022

Holy Spirit Chosen Ministry celebrates second anniversary

“Holy Spirit Come With your Fire!” were the words sung lustily at the June 5 celebration of the second anniversary of the Holy Spirit Chosen Ministry at the St James and St Philip church hall, Chaguanas.

The day started off with the praying of the rosary followed by praise and worship.

Co-Founder Bryan Matadeen led the group in scriptures focusing on the gifts and presence of the Holy Spirit.

Members of the praying and anointing team spent time in deep prayer and preparation for the laying of hands and anointing. The group then invited all present to come forward to be prayed with.

After this session, a sumptuous lunch was served and members socialised as many were seeing each other, some for the first time physically, since most meetings were held virtually due to the pandemic.

The online space remains the ‘upper room’ of this Ministry as it allows people from all over the world to join us in prayer and in a variety of sessions.

After lunch, all covenant members renewed their pledges, and two new members were installed as covenant members. Many testimonies were shared.

The final activity was the sticking of the second anniversary cake and a grand toast to God for the work that is being done with and through this Ministry.

Persons interested in joining the group can call/WhatsApp 471-4182, visit our Facebook page at Holy Spirit Chosen Ministry or via Instagram at holyspiritchosenministry. All are welcome! —Dimitri Siewnarine, member