The Conference of Churches in Grenada (CCG) congratulated the people of Grenada “on the mature way in which we have exercised our democratic rights to campaign and to vote in the General Elections of June 23, 2022”.
In a June 25 statement, the CCG congratulated the National Democratic Congress on its clear victory at the polls and welcomed Dickon Mitchell as he assumes the Office of Prime Minister “with its very difficult responsibilities in this post COVID era”.
“The Conference notes the promise of transformation which marked the campaign and we will work with the new government as it seeks to fulfil that promise, especially for the poor and disadvantaged in our beloved country,” the statement said.
The CCG also thanked outgoing Dr Keith Mitchell for his many years of service as Prime Minister. “May all that has been good for Grenada in his legacy endure.”
“We call on all Grenadians to put country first as we unite on the road to our 50th anniversary of Independence. May God bless our new Prime Minister and government. May God bless Grenada,” the statement said.