God takes notice of us in our need and He comes to lift us up.
Matthew 9: 9 – 13
Jesus made a statement, in today’s gospel passage that should make us all sit up and take notice. He said: “It is not the healthy who need the doctor, but the sick.” He meant moral sickness or sin. Jesus was responding to the Pharisees’ complaint that he was sitting and eating with sinners and tax collectors. His response implied that the sinners and tax collectors were the ones who needed God the most, thus God paid attention to them first.
“We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3: 23). It is precisely to each one of us that God is directing His attention, not to reprimand or punish but to heal and save.
God takes notice of us in our need and He comes to lift us up. That certainly is good news to everyone who recognizes their lack and is open to God’s saving grace. God loves us and will not allow us to be alienated from Him. He heals and forgives us.
Photo by Lampos Aritonang on Unsplash