“Beware of false prophets who come disguised as sheep but underneath are wolves.”
Matthew 7:15—20
The world today is confusing. There are many voices that promise happiness, wealth and wellbeing yet there is much suffering and loneliness.
Jesus warns, “beware of false prophets—-for by their fruits you will know them.”
Discernment is necessary for the believer. We are called to recognize the messages and know the results by the fruit they bear.
We must know “the good fruit” and “the bad fruit”. The true messenger produces good fruit.
Discernment comes through grace and spending time in the presence of the Holy Spirit. It comes through intimacy with the Father through prayer.
Discernment gives the believer the ability to Judge truth. The gift is part of what we need to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives. It gives the ability to distinguish the influences of God from that of Satan, the world and the flesh.
To be aware of the “Sheep clothing” you must seek God’s will to discover the devourer, and steep your life in God’s Word and prayer.