Stay in the house that God builds and you will come to know everything, even what is to come.
John 16: 12-15
We live in the house that God builds. Our father is the roof, the walls and the foundation; our Lord Jesus is the furniture, the lamp and the lamp stand; the Holy Spirit, the lattice above the windows. Open the windows a bit and the house fills with the fresh breath of Spirit; the lamp glows brighter and the house explodes with awe and wonder.
Open the windows wide and everything the Father knows, that the Son has learnt from him and revealed to the Spirit, will now in all fullness be revealed to us. Sit quietly on the veranda and watch until you feel the wind in the trees and branches of your own body and the sacred garden of your heart blooms with exquisite flowers of truth and wisdom.
Stay in the house that God builds and you will come to know everything, even what is to come. And when you are ready, you will discover who you really are and what you were sent to do.