Finding God again
June 6, 2022
‘Auntie Sylvia’ could well cook
June 7, 2022

Tuesday June 7th: Salt and light: Faith in action

“You are the light of the world.”

Matthew 5:13-16

It is no secret that salt brings flavour, passion, and pleasure to life. We are being asked to liven things up by allowing the joy of our faith to spill over into the lives of others. Once we develop that sincere and deep-rooted relationship with God, it will define us and flow out of us and salt-up /season the lives of those we meet; and yuh know how we like to season-up ting here. When we share our salt, we preserve.
“You are the light of the world ….”. To be light means that our faith must translate into action so that we can be Christ for others and extend the same arm of mercy and compassion that Christ did. To be light in this world means to simply do good in this world, in doing so the darkness of the cause of injustice can be illumined, challenged, and cured.
It is not easy to be light and salt, let us start by being the salt and light at home.

Photo by Monstera