Six young altar servers were commissioned by parish priest Fr Leslie Tang Kai on Saturday, April 23, and Saturday, May 21, respectively, in the parish of St Joseph RC Church, Tobago, after a lengthy postponement of the training process caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Despite the continuous cycles of lockdowns and implementation of Covid-19 protocols, these newly commissioned servers rose to the occasion and answered the call to serve.
As Fr Leslie commissioned them into the ministry, he reminded them that being an altar server means representing Christ not only inside the jurisdictions of the church but also outside the immediate church community. It means answering a call to serve wherever in the world one may end up.
These young people have shown great commitment to participating in the life of the church as they do not just perform the duties of altar servers but are also actively engaged in various other ministries.
Consistent reflection on the Word of God through Lectio Divina and training by senior servers enabled them to mature in faith and become the altar servers they are.
Psalms 138:7, “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life, you stretch out your hand against my foes; with your right hand you save me”, reminds the reader that God is a refuge and source of protection for these altar servers.
After facing various obstacles and drawbacks, as one altar server said, “They were only able to be serve through the grace and goodness of God.”
It is evident that in these trying times the call to serve as an altar server, or member of any church ministry, requires perseverance and an open heart. —Gabrielia Sooklal