The heart of the Easter message is death does not have the last word for those who live in God.
John 16: 20 – 23
The context of today’s gospel passage is the Last Supper. While Jesus was at table with the disciples he spoke of his dying: in a little while you will no longer see me; and he spoke of his rising from the dead: then a little while longer you will see me again.
The thought of losing a loved one is devastating. The disciples must have already begun to feel the emptiness and pain of just the thought of losing Jesus. The reality is, pain and loss come to everyone’s life. The cause may vary, but the realness of it is common to everyone.
The heart of the Easter message is death does not have the last word for those who live in God. Jesus lived totally in the Father’s love. He trusted that God would raise him up and He did.
Everyone can expect to be raised up by God. We can expect to be raised up from unfortunate experiences now and we can expect to be raised up when we die.
Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash