Thursday May 26th: In a short time
May 26, 2022
Humility is key to leadership
May 26, 2022

Catechists renew body, mind, and spirit

It started off as an overcast Saturday (May 14) morning with the sun peeping through. I had made a commitment to attend the ‘Renewal of Body, Mind and Spirit in the aftermath of a Pandemic’ retreat at Holy Faith Convent, Couva, facilitated by Gwyneth Frankson and Dr Marilyn Robb.

When I arrived, I was directed to the location of the workshop. The room was spaciously laid out and all protocols adhered to. Calming instrumental music filled the air along with a sporadic strong wind keeping everyone cool and relaxed. We got started about 9.30 a.m. and the morning flowed smoothly from one session to the other.

Spirituality and mindfulness, the ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we are doing, what we are hearing and how we are feeling were some of the objectives of the retreat.

The facilitators were successful in bringing to the forefront all our senses that we may not particularly pay attention to in the everyday rush. They shared some exercises we could perform at home, school and with our candidates.

Everyone came with a different expectation of the day; however, at the end, I know we were all thankful we made the sacrifice and effort to attend. I suggest the next time this workshop is advertised/offered that more of our catechists and teachers accept the opportunity to attend. Thanks to the Archdiocesan Catechetical Office (ACO) for hosting this event. It was truly appreciated.

The following is feedback from other catechists who participated in the workshop:

An excellent initiative on the part of the ACO. A timely intervention for catechists and professionally executed by the therapists. Activities were profound and easily adaptable personally, among teams and with candidates at every level. Looking forward to similar sessions. Thanks to all who made it possible. —Denise

On Saturday, May 7, I had the pleasure of attending the Archdiocesan Catechetical Office event: ‘Renewal of Mind and Spirit in the aftermath of a Pandemic’. The objective was to “restore emotional and spiritual health and well-being for catechists.” Well, let me tell you, that objective was achieved several times over. I’m chuckling as I type this, the memories are so fresh and wholesome.

The expert therapists: Gwyneth Frankson and Dr Marilyn Robb were such a well-balanced duo, I unashamedly admit that I can still taste that yogurt-covered raisin in my mouth.

I laughed heartily as my husband inquired why I hadn’t interrupted him while he was speaking. If you know, you know. As I speak words of love and affirmation to myself, I eagerly await another such retreat. This one was a relaxing, refreshing and re-energising experience. A well thought out effort of love to us catechists.

A special thank you to the Holy Faith Sisters for accommodating us. It was a Saturday well spent with old friends and an opportunity to meet new ones. I still feel relaxed and uplifted, a week or so later. Thank you for the gifts. Love and prayers.
