Hollow Catholicism
May 24, 2022
Wednesday May 25th: Spirit lead them!
May 25, 2022

Roving CFS: learning spaces for vulnerable children

By Darrion Narine, CCSJ/AMMR Programme Coordinator

Life has taken many twists and turns over the last two years and for many it has been difficult. Children, however, have been impacted the most during this period, especially the vulnerable migrant and refugee population and those local children who live in the poorest areas.

It is out of this concern that the Archdiocese’s Ministry for Migrants & Refugees (AMMR) decided to establish the Roving Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) which goes into the poorest communities across the country to deliver learning interventions.

These are safe spaces where children receive access to learning, psychosocial aid, and mental health interventions. Currently there are five physical CFSs, a virtual CFS and the newly established roving CFS which fall under the Archdiocese.

Although the target population of the intervention is migrant and refugee children, the sessions are open to local children in the poorest communities, who may not be able to access traditional forms of education.

The main aim of the CFS is to integrate and prepare children for formal education once the Government allows this for migrants and refugees. Until then, the AMMR continues its work across the country through the Parish Ministries for Migrants and Refugees (PMMR).

The PMMRs are the core of the AMMR and without their commitment to volunteerism and love of their neighbour, I cannot imagine what the lives of these children would’ve been like.

The AMMR is committed to impacting lives in a positive manner and ensuring that children are cared for and protected across the country. We do this with guidance from the Holy Spirit and with technical training from high level organisations such as UNICEF and the United Nations.

Our work is not easy, so we ask you to continue to pray for us but most of all we beg that you continue to pray for the children who are most at risk when they are not in school. May God continue to bless you all.

To donate to the CCSJ/AMMR:

Republic Bank Ltd. Account Number: 290-458-025-501
Contact us: ammr@catholictt.org