Sunday May 22nd: Home sweet home
May 22, 2022
Tuesday May 24th: Come Holy Spirit
May 24, 2022

Monday May 23rd: The Advocate

My teacher, friend, witness

John 15:26 -16:4

Jesus is going to take away his visible presence from the disciples whom he is leaving to be his witnesses. Things are going to change and God knows, in fact, it is God’s plan.
The Holy Spirit of God who hovered over the whole of creation, is the spirit of the risen Christ who will come and live in you. Jesus’ promised Comforter will, in a new way, do the work of Jesus Christ.
That Spirit of Truth who comes from the Father, will live in you enabling you to witness in Jesus’ name.
“The Spirit whom I will send in my name, the Advocate will teach you, and remind you of all that was said”.
That Spirit of the Father lived in Jesus and will come and live in you.
That Spirit will be your protector and guide in his absence and will remain with you because he will be at work in you as it was for the Father and Jesus.
He will remind you of everything.