‘My Father is the vinedresser”.
John 15:1-8
Today’s passage leads us on a journey to friendship. The disciples and Jesus became friends. Their journey together involved trust, being good listeners, giving of self, mutual respect and similar qualities. These are the fruits referred to, and harmony is the fruit we are called to bear.
Jesus says that “he is the vine and we are his branches.” In order to bear plentiful fruit branches must be pruned. We, as a people on a journey to harmony, are called to get rid of all that prevent togetherness – jealousies, greed, hatred, love of power.
Jesus ends with the assertion that true discipleship is seen in the fruit of harmony. “It is to the glory of my Father that you should bear much fruit, and then you will be my disciples.”
Lord, we thank you for all who strive to bring harmony to their countries, institutions and families. They are truly your disciples. Help us to root ourselves in your Word so that we be pruned of all that prevent harmony among your people. Amen