“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust in me.”
John 14: 1 – 6
Jesus’ words could not have come at a better time – “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust in me.” Though life is moving at a steady pace and the world seems to be returning to some normalcy from Covid 19, there is still so much uncertainty. New issues are emerging: war, migrations, job loss, rising food prices, sudden illness and the list can go on.
We need a stable, calm voice to help us to settle. Jesus is that voice. Hearing him say to us today not to worry and to trust him is a needed comfort in these times.
Trust is challenging since despite those comforting words the reality is still strife and unsettled feelings. But time has already proven that that Jesus is always there for us. We can turn to him and embrace his words.
Jesus is risen. Therefore, he who overcame death will help us overcome any fear or difficulty or hurdle. The risen Christ conquers all. We can trust him completely.
Photo by Ronda Dorsey on Unsplash