The life we truly need is not found in ordinary bread but in Jesus.
John 6: 52 – 59
Today’s gospel passage is taken from the last section of Jesus’ bread of life discourse in John 6. The chapter begins with Jesus feeding the five thousand. It continues with his teaching on the bread of life and ends with him presenting himself as the living bread which has come down from heaven.
Bread is life-giving food. Daily bread sustains us so that we can work and do the things that pertain to daily life. When Jesus said it, he used bread as a symbol of life, which points to a deeper reality, beyond daily living. Therefore, the life we truly need is not found in ordinary bread but in Jesus.
We eat Jesus in the Eucharistic bread. The Eucharist gives life now and it leads to eternal life. Ordinary bread sustains us today. Jesus, in the Eucharistic bread sustains us for ever. That is the sense of the words in today’s gospel, ‘this is the true bread come down from heaven; not like the bread our ancestors ate’.
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