Pigeon peas pizza and pastelles…perfecto!
April 26, 2022
Catholic Principals Association President dies
April 26, 2022

Stations of the Cross in Les Efforts

With the confirmation that parishes could conduct community Good Friday Services, the Council for the Christ the King RC, San Fernando community decided that an effort should be made to revive the annual Stations of the Cross through the streets of Les Efforts East beginning from the church compound.

As there was widespread and enthusiastic support, arrangements were put in place so that from 4.45 Good Friday morning, the faithful began arriving to participate in the walk.

One addition to the event was the inclusion of a mobile PA system with inspirational singing led by Dominic Nelson and supported by his group and the parishioners. The group left the churchyard and proceeded in an easterly direction towards Rushworth Street, the longest street in the city.

Family groups were assigned one of the Stations. It was most encouraging to see young children taking an active part in the walk and reciting the prayers and doing the Readings. Families also carried the cross between each Station. The Decades of the Sorrowful Mysteries were prayed as well with the relevant scriptural passages being incorporated to place the decade in context.

For all of the almost two hours, we had a police escort, thanks to the Officer-in-Charge at Police Headquarters, San Fernando.

Many neighbours came out to join and look on with some videotaping the events. For this year, use was made of the ‘Stations of the Cross – Meditations on family life’.

The reflections for each Station addressed and took note of the various challenges faced by families. There were exhortations on ways to bring them to the Saviour who readily identified with many of them which included, homelessness, fear of oppressive leaders, poverty, illness, death of loved ones through illness or violence, the ripping of the social fabric in our communities and abandonment.

Thanks must be extended to Beverly Guide of J E Guide Funeral Home and Crematorium who printed the booklets used.

Parishioners prayed for greater use to be made of the Holy Family as the perfect example of what family life should be, even though they faced many challenges.

–Delia Chatoor, parishioner