“..drive out the demon of illiteracy from among our children …to speak in tongues through the range of services we provided to children from poor families..”
Mark 16:15-20
He is risen, Alleluia! And he now walks the world in the feet of his disciples, those who choose to follow his example. Many years ago, I was called to follow Jesus – with the command ‘go out into the world’ to witness, to feed the hungry, provide comfort to the afflicted, the displaced and the imprisoned.
A group of young people started a community library in our hometown to drive out the demon of illiteracy from among our children who had limited access to story books. Also, to speak in tongues through the range of services we provided to children from poor families – vacation camps with creative activities, communicating that our children were important and deserved to be loved and cared for.
We drank the poison of those who criticized and did not support us. We were not hurt. We provided a service to those in need, and it healed the sickness of poor reading skills, it freed those imprisoned by inaccessibility to books and creative activities.
Lord, thank you for sending disciples into our world today to preach and witness through signs that lift the powerless.