Friday April 15th: Jesus emptied himself.
April 15, 2022
Triduum ‘special, sacred moment’ for Catholics
April 16, 2022

Saturday April 16th: Lest we forget

“…and they remembered his words.”

Luke 24:1-12

Imagine, the women who had come from Galilee with Jesus, needed to be reminded of what Jesus had told them when he was still in Galilee.  Sometimes, it is so easy to forget words of advice or encouragement when faced with challenges.  We too,  sometimes need to be reminded of Jesus’ words, especially in the most difficult situations; for example as we navigate this Covid-19 pandemic, which seems to last forever, leaving nothing but grief in its path.

One of the things I love about Catholicism, is how journeying through Lent and Holy Week, sets the stage for the most beautiful celebration of God’s Love: the Easter Tridium.  Every year, we are reminded of the sacrifice made for us; how Jesus conquered death by dying on the cross for us, sinners.  It is so important for us to remember this, that from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, the salvation story is retold more than once.

Jesus, help us to always remember your love for us.