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Hope springs eternal

Natasha Babwah-Tim Kee shares her thoughts and reflections for the Lenten season

Personal and world events that impact our lives can sometimes lead to feelings of hopelessness. Life has become so extremely complex and challenging that things can easily get out of control.

Difficulties arise when we try to juggle the many roles we play daily and forget that our hope is in Christ. There can be no real hope without God as God is hope and our hope is in God.

During hard times like these our faith can be tested, and we begin to feel that God has deserted us, but He promises hope for all of us.

Our trials are not unique to us. Many civilisations faced hardships before. We can’t even begin to understand some of the struggles endured by past generations.

We are blessed to have had the benefits of science and technology which allow us to enjoy a more comfortable life than previous generations. But what previous generations had that my generation lack is the kind of faith that motivates a person beyond their bad situations, not giving up (although they may have felt to at times), holding their heads high and waiting for God with expectant hope.

If you are feeling alone, anxious, or afraid, place your hope in God. Experiencing health problems, financial difficulty, disappointment, grief, all during a pandemic, things could really seem hopeless but continue to trust God with your hope.

Our Lord too cried out in despair on the cross “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mt 27:46).  Jesus shows His human side while unconscious and dying by calling out to God when the pain became too much to bear.

We can take comfort in knowing that Jesus the man suffered too and called on God to deliver Him. Jesus who was without sin, died for our sins so that He might bring us closer to God. His purpose in this world was to point people to His Father and save us from eternal death.

Our loving Father is patiently waiting for us to put all our hope in Him. Our daily choices matter in the pursuit of hopefulness. Reframing or reevaluating our thoughts and choosing to see things in a different way than usual helps, for example, choosing to stay calm and remain optimistic in a bad situation, instead of worrying and anticipating a negative outcome or deciding to be grateful every day for all that you do have as opposed to complaining about what you don’t have. God wants us to live our lives in joyful hope while we wait for Him to return.

Living with hope is courageously standing in the face of fear and adversity and waiting with expectation that God will guide and protect you through it all.  Everything else results in hopelessness.


“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in your faith, so that in the power of the Holy Spirit you may be rich in hope” (Rom 15:13).


Natasha Babwah-Tim Kee is a widow, mother, singer, songwriter, music minister, educator, animal rescuer and activist who loves God more than anything in this world and is on a mission to do her part in protecting the earth and all of its inhabitants.