Part 5 of a series of articles for the Lenten season by Msgr Michael de Verteuil, Chair of the Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission
I remember reading, but cannot remember where, that the only question of Lent for us is ‘what kind of disciple of Christ am I?’
Lent gives us the space and helps to focus on this question, and seek to become better disciples so that at Easter, we can commit ourselves afresh to the Lord as His disciples.
Here we are in the fifth week of Lent —still time to make the necessary changes to be a better disciple. This is very much the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, but that does not mean there is no effort to be made by us.
You may know the saying, “Pray as if everything depends on God; work as if everything depends on you.”
Change does not come from lying down in bed all day and asking God to change us —we must dispose ourselves to the working of the Lord.
Michael White and Tom Corcoran in Rebuilt wrote of what Jesus told His disciples to do, and in looking at this we see some areas in which we can work to be better disposed.
A part of the command to love involves love of self — am I taking care of myself (nutrition, exercise, and a weaning away from destructive habits e.g., addictions, gossip, anger)?
Easter is around the corner. Let us be open to all that God desires to do in us.