Diocesan youth have a new centre
March 23, 2022
Welcome youth back
March 23, 2022

A space for all – Roving Child-Friendly Space

By Darrion M Narine

Programme Coordinator, CCSJ/AMMR


On Saturday, March 5, the Archdiocese’s Ministry for Migrants and Refugees (AMMR) conducted its first Roving Child-Friendly Space (CFS) for migrant and refugee children.

The Roving CFS allows the AMMR to go into areas where there is little or no intervention for the education of migrant/refugee children. The space was hosted by Tree House Roast in New Grant and allowed the children to engage in activities and learning that would assist them with their psychosocial skills and cognitive development.

The intervention was supported by AMMR’s main partner UNICEF with additional support from the Heroes Foundation.

In Trinidad and Tobago, migrant and refugee children are not allowed access into the nation’s schools. This has resulted in many of these children not having access to learning or other educational resources.

Although the local population may not see an immediate danger, the long-term ramifications of children not being educated is significant. As such, the AMMR has supported Parish Ministry for Migrants and Refugees (PMMRs) across the country who assist migrant and refugee children with learning and education interventions.

Additionally, the AMMR established a virtual child friendly space in 2021, that currently supports over 200 children.

In 2022, the AMMR created the  Roving CFS which travels to various communities across the country. It allows the AMMR to reach children who may not have access to internet or technology.

The AMMR also provides the children with a workbook that they can continue using by themselves for six months. Although, the preference would be to get migrant and refugee children into the formal school system, the AMMR continues to find ways and means to support children most in need.

There are children who have experienced massive learning loss due to migration and the pandemic which puts them at a disadvantage in the future. Opportunities become more limited for those who are not educated.

We ask that you continue to pray for the children of the world who are disadvantaged by the migration due to crisis or turmoil.

If you are interested in continuing to support the work of the CCSJ or AMMR please feel free to donate to:

Catholic Commission for Social Justice

Account #: 290 458 025 501

Bank: Republic Bank Ltd.

Or you can contact us at:





Let us admit that, for all the progress we have made, we are still ‘illiterate’ when it comes to accompanying, caring for and supporting the most frail and vulnerable members of our developed societies. We have become accustomed to looking the other way, passing by, ignoring situations until they affect us directly. (64)

– Pope Francis, Fratelli Tuitti

CCSJ Social Justice Education Committee