From Kendall and Latoya Celestine, Coordinator couple, CEETT
Happy 40th anniversary to our beloved ministry, Catholic Engaged Encounter of Trinidad and Tobago (CEETT)!
CEETT is a ministry of families. Married couples journeying with engaged couples, who are about to begin their marital pilgrimage. Marriage preparation is essential in ensuring that persons are aware of the covenant that they are about to form, and the sacrament they are to administer to each other.
We underscore the importance of this process for a couple, and the impact it has on the society at large.
Being involved in this ministry and doing our presentations on a CEETT weekend, we have realised the value of our sharing. When we share our marital journey, and the joys and challenges which we have experienced, the engaged couples see God in marriage, see His love through our expression of love for our spouse, and it gives them the reassurance that no matter what is thrown at them, nothing is insurmountable. Tools are shared with them that can assist in achieving a happy, healthy, and lifelong marriage.
The CEETT experience does not end on a weekend. We encourage our couples to keep in touch, and to get involved in ministry. As young married couples with families, it is important to be members of a ministry or community, even though at times it may seem impossible with your daily schedules and responsibilities. We know what it is like.
We began our journey shortly after doing our own CEETT weekend in April 2009, and as our family and our roles and responsibilities in the CEETT ministry grew and life became demanding, one certainty is that we have never regretted that decision.
Being in the company of like-minded couples, sharing similar values, continues to have a positive influence on our family and married life. Always remember that God will make a way. He continues to give us strength and energy in times when we doubt ourselves. We strive to continue to have faith in Him, relying on His grace to carry us through.
It is important as a ministry and as a community, that we continue to grow and expand. We encourage you to get involved, be involved. Be a domestic Church, have an extended family in ministry. Be open to God’s call, and His plan for your life.
When you give of your time, talent and treasure, the Lord blesses you with so much more. We have seen the blessings manifest in our lives.
We want to express our gratitude to all those couples and families who have worked tirelessly in the vineyard, in whatever capacity; all are important and calls to service.
To the founders, many stalwarts and young married couples and families, you are the ministry and the reason we celebrate 40 years this month. Thank you and may you be rewarded for your invaluable service in this life and beyond!
Cheers to many more years, and may God continue to be at the core of our CEETT ministry, and may the Holy Spirit continue to light our path and be our guide.