Sunday March 20th: Waiting for your love
March 20, 2022
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March 21, 2022

Monday March 21st: Spreading Good News in our Caribbean Lands.

“Elijah was sent, but only to a widow in Zarephath; only Naaman was cured.”

Luke 4:24 – 30

The Caribbean was hit hard by Covid-19; many lost their jobs.  In today’s Gospel Jesus is speaking to us asking us to revive our Region by accepting local above foreign.  We must not see our Region as an unaccepted prophet.

By choosing local we would boost our economy and encourage the creativity of our people.  By doing this we can invoke the blessings that the widow of Zarephath and Naaman received.

Lord, we pray that we would support the growth and development of our Region by the choices we make and the use of our gifts and talents.  Help us to bring this Good News to our people in this Region, letting them know that they are accepted and loved.  Amen.

Photo by Rick Jamison on Unsplash