By Charlene Gowrie
MSc LLb, BSc
and Sophie Barcant,
BA (Psyc), B Ed
My friend called, “Hey, I need to decompress, what are you doing later?” She told me a little about what was happening, and we made a date to go out for sushi later that day.
We met, talked, laughed, and vented. By the end of the evening, we were a lot more relaxed, feeling supported and comforted by true connection.
Managing our stuff, whether it be a relationship, children, parents, career, grief over a loss or even a pet, takes a toll. We constantly draw on our inner resources to cope, and more so now, when we are faced with threats to our well-being, indeed our very existence… pandemic, war, crime, and the list goes on.
Many of us feel depleted. We do little to replenish, there being a tendency to deprioritise ourselves and put our wants and needs on pause, until we have time.
The She Shed experience provides the opportunity for that rejuvenation. It is a safe space to share with each other and benefit from our collective wisdom. More than a gabfest, we draw on coaching tools and techniques (proven by neuroscience to be effective), to provide you with a place to tell your story, to find your voice, to facilitate your gaining greater awareness and new perspectives to enable you to move forward with joy and confidence as you navigate these uncertain times.
We value trust and confidentiality, and you will walk away feeling more content, having had some of your deepest needs met, those of validation, being listened to and cared for. Who knows, you may even gain lifelong friends!
We (Sophie and Charlene) are passionate about support with purpose, with a goal in mind. We are both certified coaches, facilitators, trainers, and consultants in the field of Human Resources.
Consider this: What is it costing you to keep yourself in turmoil, suppressing your emotions or ranting and complaining and hoping the negative feelings will just go away?
Your body holds the score. We compromise our mental and physical health when we do not process our experiences.
Come learn how this may happen and how to free yourself to be healthier and more at peace with yourself. Men have their ‘Man Caves’, we are creating a ‘She Shed’…a place for you to have some valuable Me Time.