Prayer weekend for SEA students
March 11, 2022
Saturday March 12th: Love who?
March 12, 2022


by Sheena Shepherd

In honour of International Women’s Day celebrated this week, I just want to honour and give thanks for all women, our mothers, our sisters, our daughters and our friends and colleagues. Womanhood is not an easy task. There are gender roles and expectations that have existed since the beginning of time. These are slowly being erased thankfully, as the world progresses. No longer are women expected to be nurses and teachers, not to bash the amazing nurses and teachers that there are. The glass ceiling while it may not have been shattered, is slowly being lifted as women dominate in nearly all sectors in Trinidad and Tobago.

We have a female President, a female President of the Senate, a female Speaker of the House, a female Opposition Leader, and former Prime Minister, and so many more women holding the posts of government ministers and senators. We have women leaders in business and entrepreneurship, entertainment, and sport. We have ordinary women like you and me doing extraordinary things, leading and managing our homes, our children, our careers and fulfilling roles in the home and community. Within the Catholic Church, we are seeing women lead in vocations and as catechists and group leaders. In fact, it is the women in our parishes that keep the wheels turning.

All of us are truly better people for the women in our lives. As we celebrate ourselves, may we always be able to appreciate our strengths, the strength of patience and perseverance, the strength of humility and grace and the strength of our love. Happy International Women’s Day! We are celebrating for a whole month here!