The onus is on us.
Matthew 7:7-12
We have to do the work that is contained in Jesus’ commands, Ask, Seek, Knock, Enter. It is up to us to obey what the commands tell us to do. These commands are like invitations to act. When we do act, only then will ‘it be given to us’; only then will we ‘find’; only then will ‘the door be opened to us’.
There is a beautiful movement in the commands too. We first stand where we are and we ask – entreating God. Then we begin to seek – we have to get up and get, seeking, under the guidance of God, for the right way to what we asked for. Then we arrive at the place where we want to go and it is up to us to knock the door that God has led us to. It is not over yet. We then have to enter – put one foot in front the other and enter into the promise God has for us – enter into the answer we sought in the first place. The onus is on us.
Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels