Wednesday March 9th: The sign of Jonah.
March 9, 2022
The moon was out
March 9, 2022

Ongoing cause for the beatification of Archbishop Anthony Pantin

The Postulator Fr Christopher Lumsden is happy to report that the cause of the beatification of Archbishop Anthony Pantin is still ongoing.

In pursing any cause of beatification and canonisation, the task at hand is the investigation of the life of the Servant of God.

In this regard the Cause of Archbishop Anthony Pantin is no different. The tribunal’s role is concerned with three stages of the Life of the Servant of God:

  1. His life; 2. At the time of death; and 3. After death. It is concerned with revealing the heroic virtues of the Servant of God and his intercessory power.

The composition of the tribunal has changed since the inception of the cause. At present, Fr Garfield Rochard, has taken on the role of Episcopal Delegate; Fr Harold Imamshah and Bernadette Alleng, Notaries, with Fr Roger Paponette, still the Promotor of Justice.

The collection of proofs has been ongoing with the tribunal conducting interviews over the years. There are also other activities which have commenced which deal with the writings and publications by, on and about Archbishop Pantin.

Recently the cause has, through Archbishop Jason Gordon, been given a place to continue its operations. It is housed upstairs the St Theresa’s Parish Office in Woodbrook. This will give the team a place to gather and store the information, that the cause is expected to generate as detailed in the Regulations and Norms from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

Photo source: The Catholic News archives




August 27, 1929 – March 12, 2000

Entered the Holy Ghost Novitiate at Lau-au-Saumon, Canada in 1946

Ordained priest on 3rd, July 1955

Taught in Guadeloupe, then at Fatima College & St Mary’s College

Appointed Superior of the Holy ghost community at St Mary’s in 1965

Elected Archbishop of Port of Spain on the 29th of November 1967

Ordained the first local Archbishop of Port of Spain on the 19th, March 1968


O God who by the grace of your Holy Spirit tempered the soul of Gordon Anthony Pantin with fortitude and humility and raised him to be priest and Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Port of Spain so that he may be bearer of your life-giving Word to the people of Trinidad and Tobago, grant us grace to be strong in faith, humbly confident in your aid and tireless in doing good.  Bestow upon us, we humbly pray, through the intercession of this beloved servant of yours, Gordon Anthony Pantin, the special grace which we seek from your sovereign goodness in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord.  Amen.