Man’s perceived value
February 28, 2022
Wednesday March 2nd: Ash Wednesday
March 2, 2022

Tuesday March 1st: Just reward!

What about us

Mark 10: 28 – 31

Peter, to me, is the relatable disciple. He has this “human” honesty about him that brings a sense of reality to the text. Often, I can see myself asking the same questions Peter asks.

Following on from yesterday’s reading, Peter wants to know “What about us?”. They (the disciples) have done all Jesus indicated to the man in yesterday’s gospel, so what would be their reward.

Now I was raised to not ask “what’s in it for me” when doing a good deed. But let’s be real, it sometimes creeps into the back of my mind, I’ve done all this and what thanks do I get. Just as God had great plans for Peter, I must trust that He also has great plans for me.

I pray today for humility in my actions, that I do not focus on earthly rewards and possessions but look toward spiritual blessings for eternal life in Heaven.