Wednesday February 9th: The heart of the matter
February 9, 2022
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Thursday February 10th: The Power of Faith

Let us walk home with her…

Mark 7:24-30

‘So she went off to her home…’ Let us follow this woman after her encounter with Jesus. Let us walk home with her. She was not initially a follower of Jesus but had heard about him and knew her family had a need. She came to him and fell at his feet and discoursed with Jesus until He brought about the healing of her daughter. This encounter with Jesus changed her life and the life of her daughter forever, as her daughter is freed from the clutches of evil. The woman was open and trusting and believed that Jesus could heal her daughter. She did not even physically bring her daughter to Jesus but brought her situation to Jesus in faith.
The woman did in fact go ‘off to her home,’ but she did not settle into normalcy for she and her family were healed, touched and different. Jesus had performed a miracle in her life because she asked, trusted and believed. Let us do the same.

Photo by Dmitry Schemelev on Unsplash