By Kaelanne Jordan
The music ministry at Mount St Benedict has embarked on a project to produce pieces of music from the monastery that can be released as an entire suite of liturgical music for Mass/Service.
The first, ‘The great Amen’ was released Sunday, February 6 and performed live at the 6.45 a.m. Mass at the Mount on Monday. The musical composition was also officially launched on the Mount’s YouTube Channel and Facebook pages @Mount St Benedict Abbey.
‘The great Amen’ was composed by Curtis Marcellin (keyboard) and Alfred Chow (steelpan) and performed alongside the monks at Mount St Benedict and the Gerard Rodriguez Men’s Choir on Monday.
Chow and Marcellin have been based at the Mount Music Ministry for the last two years providing musical accompaniment for the daily 6.45 a.m. Masses. Incidentally, they are also responsible for the streaming of all services at the Mount and the operations of the Mount Television Network.
‘The great Amen’ will be shortly followed by an ‘Alleluia’, ‘Lord have Mercy’, ‘Lamb of God’, and ‘Eucharistic Acclamation’
Speaking to Catholic News on Monday, Marcellin commented, “We at Mount St Benedict do hope that the wider Catholic community will embrace these pieces of music and use it in their services.”
Abbot John Pereira OSB mentioned there are a few choirs that join the monks to help in the liturgy. “It’s really a joint effort. Part of our prayer entails singing, so when we sing, we sing, and we pray twice as St Augustine says….” he said.
Anyone requiring Music Score Sheets or a recording of the music can contact Marcellin at the monastery.