‘This people honours me only with lip-service.
Mark.7: 1-13
Today in the gospel reading we see Jesus admonishing the Pharisees and considering their behavior as ignominious when he addresses them: You put aside the commandment of God to cling to human traditions. Can that be applied to us, as laypeople and clerics?
Whenever we have important functions in our churches what do we do? We think first of all of the VIPs that we should invite and give them seats at the front, and further call out their names for all to know that they are present. This is the same as what is done in ‘human traditions’. We call it protocol.
How does Jesus act? The bible tells us, in Romans 10:12, that scripture says: Those who believe in him (Jesus) will have no cause for shame, it makes no distinction between Jew and Greek: all belong to the same Lord … It is no wonder that Jesus chose fishermen to lead us. Let us follow his footsteps.