This Sunday, January 23 is the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. In preparation for the celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God, the Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission submits for use by clergy and faithful the following liturgical directions.
- Enthroning the Word of God in the Sanctuary
- a) The Lectionary held by a lector flanked by two altar servers holding two lighted candles will be taken to the Sanctuary.
- b) The Lectionary is then placed on a small table in the Sanctuary. The candles are placed at either side of the table.
- c) The lector and altar servers bow and exit.
- d) A suitable piece of soft music pertaining to The Word can be played during the enthroning.
- Entrance procession
After opening prayer, the lectors for the Mass and the Cantor for the Psalm will go with the two altar servers for the candles, stand before the table, bow and one of them will lift the lectionary and all will process to the lectern, take their seats and the Liturgy of the Word continues as usual.
- Gospel
- Homily
By way of an introduction to the homily, a skit on the Word can be used. An alternative would be using the skit after the Prayer after Communion and/or one or two of the congregation giving a very brief testimony to the Word in their lives.
- The Profession of Faith
- Prayers of intercession—This should have a few lines of prayer dedicated to those who study the Word (theologians), teach the Word (catechists), proclaim the Word (preachers), preserve the Word in their lives (Christian faithful).
- a) Let us pray for those who study and teach the Word that they will be able to present us with the truth as revealed by God.
- b) For catechists in our Archdiocese and in our parishes, that imparting the Word in their varying sessions they will enlighten those taught with a clearer understanding of the revealed Word of God.
- c) For preachers of the Word at our various celebrations that they will offer up their listeners with clearer insight to the revealed truth.
- d) That in listening to the Word, revealed and preached, they find their life further nurtured with the love of God.