At once he spoke to them, “Courage! It is me! Do not be afraid!”
Mark 6: 45-52
…”noone should fear any battle or temptation of the devil because I have made my creatures strong and have given them strength of will, fortified in the Blood of my Son” ( God to St. Catherine of Siena)
Do not fear! Do not be discouraged! says God to His creatures. Why then do we fear? Jesus says “perfect love casts out all fear”. We fear because of our fallen nature. I do not speak of the healthy fear that protects from harm.
Concupiscence is the storm that rages continually against us! The stronger our desire for God’s Love and to do His Will in our lives, the more the Holy Spirit is able to fill us, if we are vigilant over our senses and give up the habits that occupy the space that belongs to God.
This has never been more important for us who are living in these times. Yet, God willed that we should be here. He does not watch from afar, but is ever present in our souls.